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The Effects of Diet Pills on Women


The use of consumer testimonials is pervasive in weight-advertising. One hundred and ninety-five (65%) of the advertisements in the sample used consumer testimonials and 42% contained before-and-after pictures (Cleland et al, viii).
             Rapid Weight-Claims. According to Cleland that rapid weight-claims were made in 57% of the advertisements (viii). There are advertisements that show that illustrates rapid weight loss such claims as shedding off 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Seeing this result, women became attracted due to the fact that weight loss seems so effortless and easy. .
             No Diet or Exercise Required. Many health experts believe to attain an ideal weight, diet and exercise are necessary and to many, they seem not so effective at all aside from the fact that diet and exercise require a lot of motivation and will thus the claim of advertisers that weight loss supplements are effective without the prescription of diet and exercise give many a sigh of relief. In fact, 42% of all of the ads reviewed promote an array of quick-fix pills, patches, potions, and programs for effortless weight and 64% of those ads also promised fast results. The ads claim that results can be achieved without reducing caloric intake or increasing physical activity. Some even go so far as to tell consumers "you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight" (Cleland et al, viii).
             Long-term/Permanent Weight-Claims. Those who already lost weight wanted to keep that for long and this is what advertisers try to depict in their advertisements. Women love that idea: losing weight and keeping it for a long time. "Take it off and keep it off" (long-term/permanent weight) claims were used in 41% of the ads in the sample. In fact, the publicly available scientific research contains very little that would substantiate long-term or permanent.
             weight-claims for most of today's popular diet products. Accordingly, long-term or permanent.

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