Hence, they created government programs, especially in education and transportation, which would open up jobs for Greeks, speeding up the economy in turn. Today, more than half of the population is employed in that manner. In that sense, Greece is extremely self-dependent. This is not all accurate because tourism still remains a big part of Greece's stability. .
The government of Greece is similarly weak. The present government was established very recently (in the 1970s), and is consistently threatened by communist take-over. For centuries, Greece had lived under a rigid monarchy. In 1973, a small rebel group led a mutiny aboard a military ship. The monarch was blamed for this incident and he was then "de-throned." The Greeks were then placed under a presidency. Not long afterward, the president, also a military leader, chose to invade Cyprus, an area riddled with conflict. Greece and Turkey had a "spat" and finally a cease-fire was signed, preventing an all-out war. The government again collapsed. The monarchy was restored, and the previous Prime Minister was sworn in. In 1974, the government allowed for free election. A new constitution was written up in 1975, and Greece is now a republic.
Modern Greek government is quite complex, with a swell of divisions and subdivisions. A president, elected every five years by Parliament, who in actuality serves as a puppet, heads it. Power lies in the hands of the Prime Minister, who is usually the head of the leading political party in Parliament. Greek Parliament is called the Vouli. The Vouli is unicameral, or made up of one house. Members of the Vouli are called deputies and are elected for only four-year terms. The judicial branch of Greek government is topped by the Supreme Tribunal.
The national government of Greece exercises power over the local government. Like many countries, Greece is divided into several regions, known as nomoi. Greece has 51 specific departments aside from Mount Athos, a separate community made up of only monks.