Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion and when brainstorming, every thought is a good one! When working on a group project brainstorming is a way to share your ideas and thoughts with the group. You build from one another when ideas are shared and when ideas are shared, genius happens. If working in a group, before starting the brainstorming process, every person should be assigned a job. Brainstorming works best when you have a larger group of varied people. If you are a division in a company, invite people from other divisions to participate. Try to get as varied a group as possible to participate - this will result in the widest and most creative range of ideas.
"There are three roles for participants in a brainstorming session: leader, scribe and team member." (Walker, P., pg. 1) In every group there is a leader. This person should be a good listener, responsible and should keep everything organized between the group members. The scribe is the person who writes down all of the ideas that are given within the group. This person should also be organized and have handwriting that is legible. The last role in the group is the team members. The team members are probably the most important part of a group. Everyone contributes to the brainstorming process, but the team members should be the creative ones in the group. Brainstorming doesn't always have to be totally organized. Organized in a way that you understand if you are working alone, but when working in a group organized to where everyone can understand what is going on. .
Creativity is always important. "Creativity and creative problem-solving (CPS) skills cultivate whole brain thinking, which aids businesses in their search for new products, ideas for improved products, efficiencies in business procedures, and coping with changes in the working environment." (Colwell, J., pg. 6) If employees begin to use their creativity in groups, while brainstorming, they will begin to be reliable for future projects with creative ideas.