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Scientists predict that cloned stem cells could treat cancer. This is because millions of new cells can be produced in the human body thus replacing old cells. Therefore, people with cancer do not often have to go to the hospital to get cancer check ups or require any special medical treatments. It also safes a lot of money compared to buying the anti-cancer drugs every three or four months, which are very expensive, to getting a one-time treatment. .
             Now, nationally more than 40,000 are waiting for an organ donation and 1/3 will die before finding a donor (Levine 27). The only way to fix a damaged kidney is to find another kidney to replace the old one. To make the process more complicated, the kidney also has to match a certain patients' blood type. This person might also be waiting for someone who is about to die from a car accident. The victim from such an accident could serve as a donor. Forty three percent of the population has blood type O and can only receive the same blood type (Blood Type 1). These people might have to wait for years to find the same exact blood type. When people find the people who have the same blood type as them, the people who volunteer to give the kidney might not show up. Meta told Reuters Health, "It's certainly unusual when an individual comes forth to donate a kidney to someone they don't know,"" which make the patients lead toward the method of using the stem cells to cure their kidney (Reuters Health 1). Because cloned stem cells may be able to clone kidneys for kidney transplants, these cells can benefit a lot of people, especially those with blood type O. .
             Although stem cells can give new hope for many patients, it also creates false hope because people have to wait too long for these clonings to get accomplish, and testing on humans does not guarantee the outcome. Some people might think that implanting new cells will create problems, such as injecting abnormal cells into the main part of the body.

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