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Activated Carbon For The Hole Cleanup Job"


            The article that caught my attention is entitled "Activated Carbons for the "Hole" Cleanup Job". This article appears in the December 1999 issue of Chemical Engineering. This article is very interesting because I did not know that carbon could be used for so many things that the article talks about.
             In the article the editor Deborah Hairson says that companies are founding more and more uses and forms of the 12th element Carbon. The article mentions that there is abundant amount of carbon to do many things with (like cleaning up liquids to gases). The editor makes a joke in the article saying that the 12th element carbon is doing all the dirty work. With there being so much carbon available, most of the chemical process industries (CPI) are looking for ways to control or even cut production cost for processing water, chemicals and pharmaceutical. The CPI also wants to follow the rules and comply with all environmental regulations for wastewater effluents and air emissions. Since the chemical process industries want to be environmentally friendly they have to find a way to do this. This is way the CPI's are turning to carbons and activated carbons to do the dirty work. .
             According to the article, many carbon suppliers are welcoming the idea of activated carbons because they get the opportunity to show and test new products to other the CPI's. One of the products the carbon suppliers are able to make is an activated carbon cloth. There are three forms of activated carbons. The three types of activated carbons: A) Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), B) Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC), and C) Extruded Activated Carbon (EAC). All of these activated carbons have different abilities to do. For example, the powdered activated carbon (PAC) is the most often used. The PAC is used to purify liquids that consist of small particle. The carbon takes out the small particles by the use of filtration or sedimentation.

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