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Marijuana: A Growing Problem


Marijuana can be smoked in a cigarette called a joint, in a bong or pipe, or in cigar paper called a blunt ("Marijuana: Facts for Teens"). .
             There are many negative effects and consequences associated with using marijuana regularly. The main chemical that your bodily systems react to in marijuana is called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is not the only chemical that is working when you"re puffing away (Goodwin 21). There are over 1000 chemicals in marijuana that work to affect your body (Hager 23). Within approximately ten minutes of having marijuana in your system you will start to feel the effects. Short term negative effects of marijuana include anxiousness and paranoia. This is more common in inexperienced users. Regular users report having anxiety attacks when trying more potent marijuana (Goodwin 21). Your short term memory will also be temporarily impaired ("Marijuana: Personality & Behavior"). In an interview with a marijuana user he tells me of his experiences. In reference to memory loss he said, "Sometimes, I"ll just be sitting there, and I"ll completely forget where I am. Then a few seconds later I remember. It's weird" (Interview). The reason you lose short term memory is because the cannabinoids, which are all the chemicals found exclusively in marijuana, attach to the hippocampus section of the brain. This is a region of the brain where new information is processed and sent to your long term memory. The marijuana user also said, "Sometimes I don't remember much of what happens when I smoke weed" (Interview). The process of transferring information from the short term memory to long term memory is interfered in the hippocampus, therefore the information is lost. This is why students who go to school high have an impaired capability of learning. Regular users will start to see a decrease in their school and athletic performance. Grades will begin to drop and previous interests will not matter anymore.

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