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Personal Learning Style


I have reviewed many different researchers" opinions on the concept of learning styles, coupled with my own personal inventory on the subject, to address my personal learning style. I will now discuss some of the factors contributing to my learning style.
             During the course of evaluating my style, I had to simply take a look at how I learn. I had to ask myself, "how do I process information?" I have always been successful in my learning; in retrospect, I cannot remember a time when I could not process the information. I simply may have utilized a different approach. I am not always predictable. Learning to me depends on the setting, depends on me, and how my processor is "feeling" at the time of contact. I learn by grabbing hold of the information and running with it. In other words, tell me what you want me to learn, and let me go to learn it. Allow me to set my own pace, I am able to adjust my "pace setting" so to speak; depending on the circumstances. These circumstances can include the volume of information needed to review, the amount of time available, and my own personal interest in the material. .
             As I reviewed the different researchers in the field of learning styles, one definition of learning styles, stood out as a possible match. For the sake of labeling, I have settled upon the term Kinesthetic Learner. As a learner, I do best using a combination of learning styles. According the Dianne Lamarche-Bisson, a person with my type of learning style " [ ] performs better when working in short spurts rather than concentrated blocks of time. Learns best through experimenting, trial and error [ ] often appears disorganized, but to the kinesthetic learner, everything is more like organized confusion" (268). Finally, a documented source to validate what I have been saying for years, "I know where it is at, I just can not find it right now." Armed with this information allowed me to assess the strengths of my learning style.

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