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One day we were in town working at the school I went and where my mother was the secretary of, after a few hours we all began to get hungry. So my mother took me, my sister, and my two brothers to Golden Corral to eat. My mother told us that if Steve asked to tell him that Mrs. R took us there. Then my mother pulled out some money and paid the bill. We went back to the school after we were done so we could finish up the work. Steve showed up there a little after we did and asked if we had eaten yet? My mother told him yes, and that we had gone to Golden Corral. Steve then started asking her for money. When my mother told him she had no money, he asked her how she could have paid for dinner then. So my mother told him that Mrs. R had taken us. Steve did not believe her so he started to ask us kids and got the same answer. Finally, mad and not having any money he left and we finished our work.
             My mother's plan would have worked except she forgot to tell Mrs. R about it all. The next day at school it all fell apart. I was in the office doing my Office Aid work when Steve came in looking for my mother. But instead he went to Mrs. R, who was working there for the day, and asked her how dinner was last night. Poor Mrs. R had no clue what he was talking about and so she did not know how to respond. Our cover had been blown. Steve was furious. When my mother walked into the room he started going off on her. He was yelling, and cussing, and everything, and all at school where people were walking in and out of the office getting things, people I knew. Steve and my mother went into the back room where they talked (yelled) for about half an hour. During which time I filled Mrs. R in on what was going on. She felt so bad that she had given us away. I felt bad that she had to be apart of everything. Finally Steve came storming out of the room and left the school. As he did I noticed him carrying some money in his hand and I knew that it belonged to my mother.

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