First of all it was not easy to become a member of the Red Guard. You had to have some kind of privilege, like being the child of a cadre, but there were always ways to do what you wanted, "through the back door" as they called it. Going about things this way required some money, and some connections. It was basically a bribe system. Once you were a Red Guard, you were given assignments. These assignments included but were not limited to producing and hanging propaganda or criticism posters, collecting anti government, anti communist materials such as books and pictures, painting the words of Chairman Mao on walls, finding suspected "Capitalist Roaders" and bringing them in for interrogation, and also beating people up that have been found to oppose the Chinese Government. All of these assignments were carried out in a military fashion, quickly efficiently and without guilt, for they were carrying out the will of their beloved Chairman Mao, who was more like a god than a ruler to the Chinese people. Violence was the easiest way for the Red Guard soldiers to accomplish their tasks. If they wanted scraps of iron and you opposed, you were beaten, if you were asked to attend a criticism you were beaten, and if you protested, you were beaten more. The red Guard then would give you a sign with you crime, and a big hat and parade you through the city streets while people you knew threw rocks and spit, and sang insulting songs about you. All of this in a country where you pride and your families name were more important than life itself, also keep in mind that most of these people were falsely accused of these crimes. Most of the people loved Chairman Mao and the revolution. But it was not the Red Guards job to decide upon guilt, because once their superior had authorized the capture of a "counterrevolutionary" your task was at hand, and resistance would make you just as "black" as the person you were sent to apprehend.