(http://www.terrorism.com/index.shtml) Similarly, The Mitchell Commission (which "assessed the causes of Israeli-Palestinian violence last spring-) defined terrorism as, "the deliberate killing and injuring of randomly selected noncombatants for political ends. It seeks to promote a political outcome by spreading terror and demoralization throughout a population-.
(http://www.globalpolicy.org/wtc/un/2002/0203definition.htm, p.2) Title 22 of the United States Code defines terrorism as, "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.(OPSEC, p. 3)The fourth definition, and the one accepted and used as reference for this paper, is from the EU. This definition clearly is a combination of the previous two, both in word structure and in meaning. Terrorism as defined by the EU Council of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs is, "offenses intentionally committed by an individual or a group against one or more countries, their institutions or people, with the aim of intimidating them and seriously altering or destroying the political, economic, or social structures of a country-. (http://www.globalpolicy.org/wtc/un/2002/0203definition.htm, p.2) Having a workable definition for this paper of terrorism, it would be too easy to define a "terrorist- as those who commit acts of terrorism. Like the strength and meaning of the definition of terrorism, a "terrorist- is "a term of abuse generally used against groups who engage in violent behaviour, by people who oppose the goals of the group. It carries the connotation that suffering has been caused to children or other non-combatants in a conflict. The term might be more appropriately applied to those, including governments, who use indiscriminate violence for the purposes of political intimidation-.(Baylis and Smith, Willetts, p. 297, Box 15.