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Sexual Harassment


This kind if complaint is usually a long and exhausting way of trying to stop sexual harassment. There have been several court cases that have found employers guilty of sexual harassment. This has been making the environment for woman uncomfortable because of the sexual gestures (Facts about sexual harassment). Before you can file a civil law suit the victim must first file a complaint to the Department of Fair Employment .
             and Housing. The person should try to avoid this process if possible. To help stop sexual harassment in the work place the employer should take several steps to prevent this from happening. The employer must make sure they change the harassers behavior and make it aware to everyone else what sexual harassment is and isn't (Deblieux). .
             On May 6th, 1994 Paula Jones filed a complaint in the U.S. district Court .
             against President Clinton. Paula Jones said, " Clinton was delivering a speech at .
             the 3rd annual Governor's Quality Management Conference at the Excelsior .
             hotel in Little Rock Arkansas". After the speech Clintons assigned security .
             guard approached Paula Jones and told her that Clinton would like to meet her. .
             When Paula Jones went to President Clinton's suite they started to talk and after .
             a few minutes he started to ask for sexual favors in which she rejected. Jones' .
             complaints seeked $175,000 for each of the 4 counts of the complaint. The last .
             count was dropped on August 22, 1997. In that court case it took 3 years to .
             settle and that is how it can be a long and exhausting way of stopping sexual .
             harassment. Taking a case to court can also cause a lot of stress on the victim and this is because the victim tends to feel that they are to blame for everything that has happened. (Buglios).
             It is proven that men are usually nervous at work because of their behavior with women may be misunderstood. When men hold high position of power, they have to be careful of their gestures around other people or there actions might be misunderstood as sexual harassment.

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