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Migration Essay


            My dad, mom, brother and I lived in very poor village in China where my mom has to work all day at the farm to grow vegetables and potatoes. My grandma had seven sons and daughters. Three were married including my dad. My grandpa and grandma went to New York a month after I was born. My grandma named me "American money", so that when I grow up, I can make a lot of money, not Chinese money, but American money. They brought four of their youngest children to New York during that time and left the married ones in China because they didn't have enough money to bring all of us.
             Soon after they left, my dad opened a powder store in the city. He made flour powders and sold them to stores. My dad didn't have money, so he borrowed a lot of money from his friends to open the store. He also used a lot of money for my brother and me to school in the city, so we stayed in the store most of the time. I didn't like my dad's friends all that much, because they hung around the store a lot, they thought they let money to dad is all right for them to stay around and do bad things. I recalled they were doing drugs on the second floor of the store when I was doing my homework. I was young and I didn't know much. I told my dad, but he didn't say anything, he just told to ignore it and pretend nothing happened.
             Soon, customers were afraid to buy powders from us because my dad's friends stayed around and people knew they were doing drugs. The store didn't have much business and my dad's friends started to ask him to pay them back the money. My dad couldn't hold the store anymore, so he sold the store and return the remaining money to his friends. It was not enough. My dad couldn't afford to pay all the money that he owed. He was upset, and didn't know how to face mom and us. He didn't come home very often after that and we were worried, so my mom went to look for him. Soon my mom came back crying.

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