grounds of immediate terms. The decision, however was already decided upon that George.
Washington would no doubt end up being President. They were dealing with a future.
proposal and basically to a working body of politicians, this signifies that absolutely.
everyone got something out of the deal. .
The State legislatures agreed that the people could directly be involved in the choice of.
electors. However, in the case that nobody received a majority vote, the right of the.
decisions would be passed on to the state legislatures, each state having equal strength. .
The compromise was seen as being too good to be true by its very own framers, and.
managed to pass with little or no debate whatsoever. The idea of the Electoral College as.
being an institution was not very prominent in many peoples minds. Infact, it was even.
considered that once Washington ceased to be president, the Chief Executive of the House.
of Rep. would assume the position as president. .
The best thing seen about the Electoral College was the fact that it settled disputes within the.
convention and all the while procted everyone's interest all the while. .
The Electoral College was not necessarily a committee placed together by the Framers in.
the Convention on the basis that the common man could not be trusted. Rather it was.
placed together on the grounds of practicality. Infact, the idea of having an Electoral College.
in operation in this day would probably astound the Founding Fathers. .
Slavery was another hot issue furiously debated at the Convention. The issue was not the.
morality of slavery, but rather the concrete aspects of population, taxation, commerce, and.
representation. The issue of the Three-Fifths Compromise was drawn for the direct.
purposes of taxation and nothing more. In reality, the situation was a Northern fear of.
Southern overrepresentation. .
Other issues concerning Southerners, perhaps more so than slaves, were things such as.
tariffs or special legislation, such as laws providing that exports were only to be carried on.