The brand structures are continually evolving in response to the changing configuration of markets or as a result of the firm's expansion strategy in international markets. .
A successful global brand has to consist of three principal components:.
1. The level in the organisation at which the brand is used (ie corporate, product business or division).
2. The geographic scope of the brand (global, regional, national).
3. The product scope (ie range of products or product lines on which a brand can be used).
Demands upon organisational buyers are increasing and the process of purchasing is changing constantly. More people participate in buying decision therefore Information need has grown. Buyers need more expertise and professionalism to be successful as markets are becoming international (Hutt and Speh, 1989). A new emphasis of quality, the increasing adoption of "just-in-time" practice and importance of "problem solving" in creating customer value (Maklan and Knox, 1997) have shifted the emphasis of buyers requirements form the functional product offer to a working relationship with the seller Hutt and Speh, (1989). .
As a result of this trend more and more companies use only a few supplier thus it is even more important for the suppliers to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
Consumer markets are already widely using brand strategy as a key in the differentiation process, businesses are somewhat reluctant to build and promote their own brand. However, as Chernatony and McDonald (1992) point out, businesses marketers who think that brand has no part to play are ignoring a very powerful tool. .
It is not uncommon that a supplier is talked about by buyers as a brand. Pro-active firms promote their company as a brand, such as IBM, Intel, Hewlett Packard.
Branding activities are an economic process that drives not only competitive market structures but promotion, profitability and customer recognition.