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Information Warfare as Weapons of Mass Destruction


The Gulf War where some allied troops were exposed to nerve agents such as Sarin, Soman, Tabun Blister Agents, Mustard Gas, and Lewisite and the Vietnam War where chemical and biological agents called "Agent Orange," and "Agent Blue" were used for causing casualties and harm are just some of the examples where chemical and biological weapons were used
             Biological Warfare has been laden with controversy, "[d]uring the 1990s the BW threat has received increased attention because of evidence of an advanced BW programme in Iraq and the determination with which Iraqi officials tried to hide the evidence from international inspectors after the 1990-91 Gulf War, on the one hand, and concerns about the continuation of BW programmes in Russia, on the other hand. There are also concerns that other countries in regions with high tension might be seeking a BW capability." .
             The use of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons is not a game. It requires precise coordination and high level planning and, as mentioned earlier, can cause massive damage to life and property. Terrorist organizations find the use of these weapons most effective especially since loss of life or infrastructure gets immediate attention from their intended audience. .
             All these years the three forms of WMD - Nuclear, Biological or Chemical weapons were feared and still are but a new up and coming weapon of mass destruction is Information Warfare. Unlike what we read so far about NBC weapons, Information Warfare is more easily available, it's subtle and if pushed far enough can cause massive destruction and disruption during peacetimes and in times of crisis. .
             Information Warfare can be broadly conceptualized as the use of a nation's information infrastructure to cause harm, disrupt or destroy enemy information, collect intelligence information, adversely modify data with intent to do harm and in extreme cases, cause mass destruction.

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