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Discussion on Importance of Organizational Behavior


" Therefore, by definition an individual's attitude is a statement of their values, "evaluative statements." When examining an organization's culture and production, many different areas may come into play. One such area could be job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is related to an individual's attitude about their work. It seems logical to conclude that organizational behavior then becomes important to defining and creating a positive job satisfaction with the employees. "Why should a manager seek to know an individual's values? Although they don't directly influence behavior, values strongly influence a person's attitudes. So knowledge of an individual's value system can provide insight into his or her attitudes (Robbins, 2001, p. 37)." If a manager understands an employees values, and how their values relate to their attitude. That manager can then have an understanding how their job satisfaction is developed and measured. "Managers should be interested in their employees" attitudes because attitudes influence behavior. Satisfied employees for instance, have lower rates of turnover and absenteeism than dissatisfied employees. (Robbins, 2001, p.38).".
             Values and attitudes are at the basis of organizational behavior. By having an understanding of these ideas it can create a basis for the application of organizational behavior. Although these are not the only reasons for organizational behavior, they are significant. In another report in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (2003), the importance of certain value characteristics are stated and their importance to the idea of organizational citizenship behavior. The journal states five characteristics, altruism, conscientiousness, civic virtue, courtesy, and sportsmanship. Through these characteristics different aspects of the employee's behavior can be related, defined, and explained. For example, the author provides examples for altruism and civic virtue "An example of Altruism is helping a co-worker who has fallen behind is his or her work.

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