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Discussion on Importance of Organizational Behavior


            Organizational behavior is essential ingredient to any successful workforce. Organizational behavior examines the organization as a whole, and individuals from a holistic viewpoint. Organizational behavior applies various disciplines of study together to work for the good of the organization. Some individuals in the status quo would argue that organizational behavior is too "touchy-feely" and that a more technical aspect of an organization would lead to better production. This focus only on one aspect of the organizational culture would not lead to an organization that was open to change, and productive. Instead there needs to be a balance between the different viewpoints. Organizations must understand and develop the skill level needed for all levels of employment as well as incorporate and apply organizational behavior for an optimal operational success.
             Values and Attitude.
             A study and knowledge of values by an organization can lead to individuals with high motivational levels and hence high production. One definition of values is "values represent basic convictions that "a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence (Robbins, 2001)." One simplistic way of examining this definition is a person's decision making between right and wrong. In reference to an organization this decision making has great implications on not only the culture of their organization, but their production as well. Leaders most definitely wish to have employees that are making good ethical decisions for their organization. To ignore this aspect of an individual, by not focusing on organizational behavior could be detrimental to the organization. .
             Another aspect of individual's values is the link between values and attitudes. Attitudes by definition are "evaluative statements - either favorable or unfavorable - concerning objects, people, or events (Robbins, 2001).

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