Sexual harassment in the workplace is more common than people might have previously thought. Statistics show that anywhere between forty to seventy percent of women and ten to twenty percent of men experience sexual harassment in the workplace. On average 15,000 reports of sexual harassment are filed each year with the EEOC. There has been a 42% increase in the number of sexual harassment incidents from 1990 to the present (http://www.dbpargman.com/statssexual. htm). .
The issue of sexual harassment is the fear of many companie, universities, and other organizations. Typically sexual harassment occurs in the work force in the form of a bosses" misconduct toward a suburdinate. As mentioned before, most forms of sexual harassment occur in the workplace. An employee can charge an employer with sexual harassment as a result of the misconduct of managers, fellow employees, vendors, and even customers. Eventually, this can cause a hostile work environment. Of the women that are harassed on the job, 43% of them claim to have been harassed by a superior or a boss, 27% report an employer that is superior to themselves, 19% report coworkers at their level, and only 8% claim to be harassed by a junior employee (http://womensissues.about.com/library/blsexharass mentstats.htm).
It is true, for the most part, that sexual harassment comes in many forms in the workplace. There are two different types of sexual harassment. They are called the "Quid Pro Quo" and the "Hostile Environment Harassment." Quid Pro Quo is the theory of sexual harassment occuring when an employee is confronted with sexual demands to keep his or her job or obtain a promotion. This is a true violation of Title VII, which is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even though sexual harassment by its very nature is complicated to define, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provides a general description of sexual advances. The several basic varieties of the Quid Pro Quo harassment as recorded by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision's indicate "the unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors.