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Origins of Nationalism


             What does the term nationalism mean? An ideology based on the premise that the individual's loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests is referred to as nationalism. Throughout global history, nationalism has had positive as well as negative effects on society. Nationalism has been traced back for thousands of years to the ancient Hebrews and Greeks. The main traits of nationalism are the thought of being a "chosen people," the general knowledge of your people's history, and a general hope for an optimistic future, and lastly "national messianism." This description fits the Hebrews perfectly. The Hebrews believed that God Himself chose them to help make the world the way that God would want it to be. They had a Covenant with Him and believed that they had a unique part for the Hebrews in the evolution of the world. Since the beginning, the Hebrews has seen the world as one progression with one tragedy or accomplishment flowing smoothly into the next with a reason for all of it and coming out on top in the future, or in the end. "In the kingdom of God the drama of universal history was to find its atoning conclusion and the idea of the Covenant its fulfillment." (p. 11) Finally, "national messianism" played a large role for the Hebrews. With this, the Hebrews thought that they were meant by God to suffer for so long since it's all in the plan for a glorious future. From this, however, branches extremists that will do whatever it is they believe they have to do to win over their God's glory. Nationalism played a crucial role in unifying many cultures and nations. Obviously the political, social, and economic effects of nationalism have lasted throughout history and will continue into the future.

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