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Kids at risk


             In addition to this there are many families that do not provide adequate emotional support and support the youth needs to succeed in school. A big problem is parents who use the wrong forms of discipline. Some characteristics is high levels of yelling, lecturing, criticism, punishment, or infrequent expression of unconditional love, all of which can lead to rebelliousness. There may also be cases of child abuse, or trouble in the marriage. When the bond between parent and child is broken, trust, capability, self management and good social skill do not develop properly. This can cause a child to act up in class for lack of attention at home, or the child may act out violently.
             There are situations where entire communities have a poor out look at school and this in return influences the children. Children take example from the adults around them and if there is a negative outlook towards schooling the children pick up on that. .
             Dr. Ron Edmonds started the Effective School System to help disadvantaged kids based on his motto, "all children can learn." This system was based on studies done that judged schools who are more focused on the education of the children and their reputation as apposed to schools that focus on the type of children they accept, and these children's individual needs. It was established that schools who are focused on their students and their student's capability could make drastic changes in the life's of students regardless of their ability. At the same time school have the capacity to promote the risk factors. These schools do not deal properly with failures, are not flexible to changes, and blame families and environment for the failures of students, rather than looking inwardly at themselves, and how they could improve the students performance in school. It was also noted that there was lack of shared vision for the students, unorganized staff, and ineffective classroom practices.

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