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The Importance of The Declaration of Independence


            In my opinion The Declaration of Independence is by far the most Important Document .
             of Western civilization during the late eightieth Century. As Moses Coit Tyler noted almost a .
             century ago, "no assessment of it can be complete without taking into account its extraordinary .
             merits as a work of political prose style." (1) Although I agree with recognizing the merits of the .
             Declaration of Independence in reference to its artistry of literary qualities, I believe there .
             are deeper and more meaningful senses that are stirred by this amazing document in the hearts .
             and minds of the men and women of the United States of America. This essay will enlighten and .
             solidify the importance of this Declaration to not only the citizens of the United States of .
             America but to the citizens of the planet Earth. .
             I feel that the first important fact that should be looked at is The Declaration of .
             Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson during the late eightieth century in the United .
             States of America. This Document is a culmination of ideologies from Western European .
             Philosophers during the time frame of the Enlightenment. I believe that Thomas Jefferson took .
             pieces of those ideologies and grouped them together with his exceptional writing ability and the .
             end result was a marvel Document to human kind. A document that can be easily used as a .
             template for any group of citizens on planet earth that desire the extension of liberties like .
             freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness for the people of that new nation. The .
             Declaration of Independence has been a nurturing document for over 227 years. It has been used .
             by numerous politicians as a basis for ideas and principles for important documents of the United .
             States to follow, such as the Constitution, Amendments and others.
             We have studied many ideas during the first half of our class but one of them that is fresh .
             in my mind is the political theory of the Republic of Virtue where Maximilien Robespierre states .

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