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Narration Essay


             As I sprinted around the bases I kept my eyes transfixed on the tiny object. I rounded first base dashing to make it to second base. "It's going, going, and it's gone," the announcer's voice rang loud and clear in my ear. I feel as it was yesterday when I see that baseball sitting on my shelf. As small and meaningless that baseball would seem; however; in itself contains my memory of game that I love and a moment that I will always cherish.
             I played for the Sullivan Central Cougars, at the second base position. Our coach entered our team into a tourney (short for tournament) called the Snowball Classic. It was held at Sullivan East High School. It was mid March, so the name well fitted itself, and the cold air had not yet lifted from our area. We arrived at the field suited up in our heavy-coated team jackets. We warmed up opposite of the ever so hated Dobyns Bennett Indians. This was not just any team, they are our rivals. You see we were the county boys and well, they were the city boys. Naturally the Indians looked down upon us, as if we were inferior. It also made for an interesting game since I had many friends on the on their squad, which fueled the fire even more for us to win. .
             After we warmed up go we jogged back to our dugouts. So the umpire signals us in to begin the game. The coaches from each team spoke to one another and exchanged hand shakes. When our coaches returned, they informed us that we had lost the coin toss and that DB would be the home team. After that we huddled up as a team and yelled are chant, "D on three, one, two, three, D", and we sprinted onto the dry, but well kept ball field. After the first inning ended with neither team scoring I knew we were going to be in a battle for the rest of the game. .
             The next two innings ended the same as the first but a spark came from our team. Our catcher smashed a two-run shot over the left field fence. This changed the score 2-0, our favor.

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