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Conflict Resolution


The traditional view, observed from 1930-1940's was that conflict is bad and should avoided as it was thought to indicate problems. In the 1940's until 1970's the theory changed and conflict was deemed natural and inevitable. From this point, it was used as a positive force in group performance; this is known as the Human Relations view. Conflict is currently perceived through the Interactionist view, which not only accepts conflict, but also encourages minimal conflict to keep the team alive, thriving, and innovative.
             Conflict seems to progress through four stages: potential opposition, cognition and personalization, behavior and outcomes. Stage I, potential opposition, is defined by the presence of one of three conditions that create conflict. The three general conditions are: communication, structure, and personal variables. The communicative source represents opposing forces that arise from semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, and "noise- in the communication channels. (Organizational Behavior PG 170). Structure would include, the groups/teams size, specialization, level of routinization, and degree of dependence between team members. Personal variables are identified as individual value systems, individual idiosyncrasies, and differences. .
             Stage II, cognition and personalization, comes in if a condition from stage I, affects one or more parties, and the conflict is cognizant. .
             Stage III, behavior, is an intended action to frustrate another. At this point the conflict is observed by all. Overt conflict encompasses subtle, indirect, and highly controlled behaviors to direct aggressive, violent, and uncontrolled behaviors.
             Stage IV, outcomes will be either functional or dysfunctional dependant of how the conflict unfolds and is handled. Conflict is beneficial when conducted properly by team members. Conflict resolution is an essential component of any team. Whether personal or professional, teams have an important place in our lives.

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