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Inescapable Slavery


Indirectly, we are forced to follow their instructions. And if my parents can decide about my entire first 18 years of my life where is the power of acting freely ( "freedom" ).
             The next step towards liberty is school. It gives us the possibility to get away from home and meet friends and to have a higher degree of freedom. School gives us the knowledge to be "independent" during later stages life. To get apart of other opinions and experiences helps us to become individuals, but isn't school slavery itself? .
             First of all every child is legally "forced" to attend 12 years of school. Students are supposed to do homework, study hard especially for the SAT's and PSAT's, and to be a good student. Legally we don't have to do it, but if we don't we have to handle the consequences in getting bad grades and not the ones we need for our later life and especially college. SAT points are needed for our college application. .
             Furthermore pupils are supposed to do extracurricular activities and athletics. To get a scholarship or even just an acceptance for college makes us joining teams and participate in their practice which is the most time consuming activity outside school. Many pupils would prefer to meet our friends, read, watch TV, etc instead of these team activities. Those teams force us to come to every single practice, and those who aren't following their instructions will be kicked off. - To be kicked of hurts my chances to attend a good college. Everything counts, every single participation, every club you join, and every single grade. Everything is going to be looked at by the admission team of the colleges. A student, who for example has worked over 200 hours on the yearbook staff in one summer might not always do that for his own personal satisfaction. But why is all this hard work done? Just to go to college? Our goal in school is college, and with every passing year all our thoughts and concerns more and more move towards it.

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