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Adolf Hitler


             believed was caused by the blindness. At the time nothing was known about mustard gas.
             and Hitler's recovery was remarkable. The doctor linked the histeria with blindness one effecting.
             the other. Sight also caused Hitler to have hope again. Rumors of revolution and a government.
             take over by the communist shattered Hitler. " I lay there broken with great pains, although I.
             did not let on how I felt; for it was repugnant of me to cry out at a time when you could feel that.
             a collapse was coming." A short while later on November 9, an elderly pastor announced the.
             news of an all out revolution broken out in Munich. " It became impossible for me to sit still one .
             minute longer. Again everything went black before my eyes and I tottered and groped my way .
             back to the dormitory, threw myself on the bunk, and dug my burning head into my blankets and.
             pillow." Hitler not only had a second blindness but surprisingly enough cried for the first time.
             since standing in front of his mother's grave in Leonding, Austria. He had endured the death of his.
             comrades, injuries to himself, and blindness .all in silence. He then made a.
             statement that would forever change his life and the lives of people throughout the world.
             " That night I resolved that, if I recovered my sight , I would enter politics." According to Dr.
             Forester there was no medical reason for his second blindness and he concluded that his patient.
             was a psychopath with hysterical symptoms. The surrender of Germany on November 11.
             overwhelmed him as he believed it was a great shame. As he retained his sight he regained hope.
             and decided to devote all his energies into carrying out the command he felt he had received.
             On that night Hitler was no longer a teenager with aspirations of becoming an artist. He became.
             the most influential factor in the early twentieth century, the innocent teen lost for good.
             The end of the war and Germany's defeat disappointed and frustrated Hitler greatly.

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