Tuesdays With Morrie is a story of the love between a man and his college .
This true story captures the compassion and wisdom .
of a man who only knew good in his heart. A man who lived his life to the fullest .
up until the very last breath of his happily fulfilled life. It is a story of a special .
bond of friendship that was lost for many years, but never forgotten and simply .
picked up again at a crucial time of both Morrie's and Mitch's lives. When .
Morrie learned that he had only a few months to live, he began the last class of .
his life with Mitch - life's greatest lesson. Throughout the last fourteen weeks of .
Morrie's life, Mitch met with him every Tuesday to learn and understand all of the .
wisdom and lessons of life that were within Morrie. The weekly routine consisted .
of lunch and lecture. These meetings included discussions on everything from .
the world when you enter it to the world when you say goodbye. .
From the relationship that these men had with each, a love is revealed .
like no other love resembles. This is a love of friendship and of respect. Such a .
bond between people is difficult to achieve. Morrie Schwartz was a man of .
great insight who loved and enjoyed to see and experience the simplicity of life, .
something beyond life's mysteries. From Morrie, we learn that life is most happily .
experienced when enjoyed and fulfilled to its highest potential. Morrie shares .
this with Mitch in the last days of his life and these great lessons will be practiced .
throughout Mitch's life. .
Reading Tuesdays With Morrie gives a sense of discovery. Morrie Schwartz .
was a man that touched the lives of many. He will always be remembered for .
his sincerity and his compassion for life and for love. The lessons that Morrie .
loved to teach were of his own experience with life. These great lessons were full .
of wisdom and love and they came deep from within Morrie. This book was on .
the Bestseller's List over the summer and it will continue to be read by many .