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A Fairy Tale Romance


And with her, she brought 2 horrid, ugly daughters, because like they always say, like mother like daughter. Soon, Cinderella's father died, and she was left to be the slave to her stepmother. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for Cinderella, there was nothing at all. Poor Cinderella was too much of a pushover, so she was unable to stand up for herself ever. Due to her "Damsel in distress-ish" ways, Cinderella gave in, doing whatever her stepmother and stepsisters asked her to. She slept in the ashes of the chimney and sat and sang and dreamed of something better. But instead of standing up and doing anything about it, she lived her life from dream to dream, hoping that somebody would come and save her from her harsh reality. .
             Meanwhile, over in a castle far away, the Prince was facing his own troubles. He had to choose his princess soon and he had not a clue how. He wanted the most beautiful girl in all the land, because hey, he's got money and a big castle he didn"t need a girl with brains or anything like that. And so he decided that he would throw a pageant. A ball where all the girls in the land come to his castle, looking as beautiful as they can and he would chose the most beautiful one out of them all to be his princess. And so it was decided, and the invitations were sent out. Immediately, the two ugly stepsisters were excited. But poor Cinderella was not allowed to attend the ball, and she was very sad. So instead of doing anything for herself, she sat down and cried and cried and dreamed again. But this time to her surprise, there was a large poof of smoke. Cinderella wiped her eyes, and there appeared Venus, the Goddess of love. .
             "Cinderella, I will grant you any wish you want.

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