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Computer and Education


Also, college students having easy access to computers for various school related tasks" like changing complete blocks of text on a term paper in a split second, using graphics to better express a particular point or idea, and being able to tap into the world wide web where vast amounts of information is at the fingertips of the users is a marked improvement from 10
             years ago. Many college students are now able to take courses via Internet and only attending classes on campus for taking exams.
             Nowadays many people have started to argue that computers are taking the place .
             of a teacher and that children aren't learning as much, but computers are a positive .
             attribute to the classroom teaching because they provide a form of interactive learning. .
             Interactive learning is just another way of teaching information. By using a computer, .
             those who are more visual and hands-on learners will be able to learn things in a manner .
             that is most successful for them, while still providing a textbook and lecture for those .
             who learn by the more traditional method and interactive learning is good in the .
             classroom since all students have different learning styles. Critics of such usages, like .
             William Bade, a big author argues that computers take away the teacher and make .
             children numb because "Teachers have turned to using computers as the main .
             instructional method of teaching". But the fact is that teachers are encouraging students .
             - 3.
             to use computers in a more day to day basis. Teachers are trying to turn computers as a .
             method of teaching, a research tool, and to help prepare students for the world outside .
             the classroom. These are contributions to students because it provides more ways for .
             student to learn. Students benefit from computers because it expands their education. . .
             They continue to learn the standard things each year, but with a different method of .
             teaching added on to the regular list of reading and writing, they acquire another skill of .

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