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Problems of Marxism


Strictly, socialism differs from "communism by its lower principle of distribution "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work." It means the right to work as well as the obligation to work - he who does not work neither shall he eat (Dickhut, 1994:50)." Socialism, economic and social doctrine, political movement inspired by this doctrine, and system or order established when this doctrine is organized in a society. "The socialist doctrine demands state ownership and control of the fundamental means of production and distribution of wealth, to be achieved by reconstruction of the existing capitalist or other political system of a country through peaceful, democratic, and parliamentary means. It places special emphasis on the nationalization of monopolized branches of industry and trade, viewing monopolies as inimical to the public welfare." (Colton 2002). .
             II COMMUNISM.
             Communism, as a daring experiment exhibits the same mixture of magnanimity and depravity. Rooted in a nineteenth-century dream of universal human emancipation, the "communist cause called forth heroism and saintliness but also cruelty and servility" (http://www.nd.edu/~remarx/rm/rm8-4.html). Communism is the doctrine that seeks to liberate the proletariat from all forms of human misery and oppression. "The proletariat is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital; whose weal and woe, whose life and death, whose sole existence depends on the demand for labor -- hence, on the changing state of business, on the vagaries of unbridled competition. The proletariat, or the class of proletarians, is, in a word, the working class of the 19th century" (http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.ART.HTM.).
             There are inherent imbalances and oppressions that cause much of humanity to suffer, and humanity's inability tolerate further desolation seeks to create a perfect society and an essential part of having an unflawed society would be having an ideal government.

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