An Indepth Approach to Critical Thinking .
When addressing common issues in society today, it is neccessary to view them openmindedly. One must examine .
the facts then form a educated conclusion. This involves keeping in mind ones morals and ideals. Critical thinking is a difficult .
yet rewarding ability. To know and embrace is the first step to applying it. .
My first reaction to the question, "Should parents and teachers attempt to shape the values of children and .
students?" is to a certain degree, yes it is. This assertion allows me to have a fair outlook and to reflect on different examples .
that may help or hinder a child development. Its best to form these types of opinions. More radical decisions like " parents and .
teachers are molds for children and students. Without authority, anachy would arise." Even though this will draw more fame .
and attention to the author, it is not a reflection of critical thinking. Over simplified answers similar to this are found in .
journalism and entertainment quite often. When faced with this question, I find it best to form a more free minded gut reaction. .
This allows me to speculate on different subjects and allows for a change of my opinion. .
Creative and critical thinking are valuable tools for evaluating and answering questions. Thinking is the most reliable .
guide to action we as humans posess. The essence of critical thinking is evaluation. To address the question at hand I will .
rely mostly on critical thinking. Critical thinking involves questioning the question itself. A critical thinker will look beyond their .
first gut reaction. It is important to acknowledge what is known, accepting that errors do occur and that they are recognizable. .
Concentraiting more on the evidence than personal beliefs or preferences. I plan to attempt to control my feelings rather than .
be controlled by them. The basic activities in critical thinking involve investigation, interpretation and judgement.