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             My reason for choosing this particular assignment is it reflects my own individual philosophy on the way things should be undertaken, and deals with issues that I feel strongly about.
             In the ideal world everything would be both environmentally and ergonomic friendly, however we all know that that is a impossibility but for some of us we at least try to make a difference and to help people around us become more conscious of their actions and their consequences is perhaps one of the principal challenges. .
             Most people believe they are (doing their bit) if they install energy saving light bulbs or recycling their glass bottles but we have to try and persuade them to go much deeper than just taking their litter home to dispose of in a waste paper bin most things these days can be recycled.
             New purchases for the home now come with lots of information on energy efficiency and the most popular trade name is not always the most energy efficient.
             Large companies are publishing this information to show they are "doing their bit by leading us to believe that theirs is the most eco friendly product but they may be one of the biggest environmental polluters on earth (look at Esso and their lead replacement petrol) this is where environmental auditing plays a major role in our future awareness. .
             I look forward to the time when everyone who takes their excess rubbish to proper waste management sites and disposes of glass, rubble, old fridges etc in the appropriate skips and not like some do and just dump it over a wall creating problems for someone else or endangering the wildlife.

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