They were walking down the newly furbished corridor to the dreaded classroom when they heard some shouting in another classroom. When it had stopped Felicity Bradshaw came running out of it and into the R.S. room. Harriet, Becky and Bethany ran after her to find out what happened but before they knew it they were told to sit down and be quiet by the teacher, Mr Gambells. "Right, I understand that Mrs Frauper (old R.S. teacher) gave you some homework before she left on Hinduism. Is that right?- No one in the classroom answered. "When I ask a question I expect an answer, okay?- shouted Mr Gambells who was extremely angry. After Mr Gambells silencing words everyone in the class woke up and paid attention. "Yes,"" answered class 5b. "Right then, I want you to come up in alphabetical order with your homework-. After Susan Anderson had given in her homework, Felicity Bradshaw went to the front and said quietly to Mr Gambells, hoping none of the class would notice, "I don't have my homework Mr Gambells, I left it at home and I am very sorry and --One weeks detention!- Everyone stared at the both of them. One of them with an angry, red face the other scared and embarrassed.
After five minutes had gone after the bell had gone Mr Gambells decided to let them leave the classroom with five hours of homework.
"I hate that Mr Gambells, giving us about five hours of homework and for shouting at Felicity,"" said Harriet. "That brings me on to my next point, the homework, there have been a lot of missing homework, hasn't there? I mean, like Flick's, and mine also people in other classes have been noticing as well. I think we need to do some investigating, yeah?- Becky and Bethany both nodded their heads at the same time. "But we can't start now, it's the end of school- said Bethany. "I know that's why we're going to start together. Now, have a good nights sleep tonight and see you in the classroom tomorrow at eight fifteen am sharp- said Harriet, and then she ran off to go home.