I was determined that I was not leaving with out it. Therefore I worked harder then ever before to display the skills and talents that I built up over my twelve years of experience. Day after Day, I tried my hardest to show the counselors reasons why I fit the qualities of the nomination, only hoping that they felt I deserved it.
On the third day I was getting a little frustrated that I had not received a nomination yet and my time was running out with only two days left. But for some reason, instead of letting it get me down, it gave me the will power to work ten times harder. The last thing I needed at that point was to start doubting myself. Cheerleading was a huge part of my life. I had always made every team I ever tried out for. I even had the experience of traveling all over to compete in nationals, went through countless trials and tribulations with my team, as well as having some of the best times of my life. I accomplished all of this by doing what I loved doing the most, cheering. This nomination was what would link all of those years of experiences together. After coming back from the lunch break that day, we were broken up into different groups and sent to different sections. My stunt group and I went over to the stunting station and started to work on new and harder stunts. We planned on using those stunts in our routine that season. Stunting is one of my favorite things to do; therefore, I excel in it. .
During the session, Jim, one of our camp counselors, walked over to me and told me how good my stunting technique was. He said I had displayed a great amount of talent over the past few days. While finishing what he had to sat, I cold not help but to glance down and watch with anticipation, as I saw him reach into his book and pull out a white ribbon with gold lettering. After pulling the ribbon out, Jim congratulated me on my nomination of an All-American Cheerleader.