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New Zealand in the Vietnam War


Basically if one of the three countries became involved in a conflict, it could rely on the other two for reinforcement if need be. This treaty was a key factor in Prime Minister Keith Holyoake rationalising New Zealand's involvement in the war. He is quoted as saying, "if we are not prepared to play our part now, can we in good conscience expect our allies to help later on?" this is a fair concern which many people seemed to share. .
             There was a great anxiety that if New Zealand failed to submit to the American's requests in this instance, it would jeprodize its security in the future. The US would be reluctant to offer its protection if we were to encounter difficulty and New Zealand could be isolated. This possibility prompted the Department of External Affairs to ask the ambassadors in Washington to warn them of the implications to their National Security should New Zealand refuse military aid. The response must have confirmed their doubts as almost immediately they came to the conclusion that it was essential to our own stability to maintain harmonious relations with the US and keep our allies happy. They then voted in favour of sending a small unit of military engineers to demonstrate their willingness to play their part in the collective security effort. George Lanking, the New Zealand ambassador best summarises this reason to enter the war when he states; "The point at issue is not the immediate one of whether or not we can provide forces in vietnam, but what effect our decision will have on the US attitude, in the long term towards problems of more immediate concern to our own security.".
             The availability and number of troops was however still an issue. New Zealand's military resources were meagre to say the least and already heavily committed in Malaysia. This had been one of the governments key reasons to defer sending forces to Vietnam, however the situation was changing so that the US was expanding involvement in Vietnam, while the issue of Indonesian confrontation of Malaysia was becoming under control.

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