To illustrate the process, Raymo gives an example with a feeling he experiences at the encounter of a blue heron. He intends to show that the scientific knowledge about the heron does not impede the sense of wonder he gets out of the heron, but that in fact such knowledge reinforces it and adds more meaning! Under this assumption, we find Raymo's argument for scientific and religious reconciliation, in the following philosophy: if today only scientific knowledge can enhance ordinary experience and fuse things into some larger meaning, then science "can be the basis for the religious experience: astonishment, experiential union, adoration, praise." Continuing the example with the heron, Raymo draws the patterns of his ideology. With the help of his own "will and grace", Raymo is able to reach for that beyond knowledge, entering an I-Thou relationship with the heron, one that opens a direct channel to God or that Superior Being that embodies the absolute everything. This is the perfect solution he finds for the reconciliation of science and religion. Raymo tells us that we can instill a "primordial religious" sense of wonder into the world of science and "we can take part in creation" and "meet the Creator" through infinite interactions with all sorts of organic matter. By such means, Raymo demonstrates that with the help of his intuitive thinking he is becomes competent of experiencing the supernatural. Following this argument, we can almost conclude that Raymo is capable of "experiencing" the Big Bang! For Raymo, religion begins with science, therefore God either came into existence when the Big Bang took place, or the Thou caused the Big Bang and acted upon the laws of physics ever since then. Contained by God, we live and experience Him in the "hallowing of the everyday" - Raymo's ultimate note of the harmonic melody "Science and Religion". .
Gould adopts a different view.