Retrospectively, paganism's falsehood robs people of their right to know their Creator and live morally by his guidelines. If one were to repent of their immoral ways and believe in the one true God, their eyes would be opened to the world of possibility that God has for them. They would no longer be slaves of their sin and false beliefs; rather they would be free to seek God's wisdom and blessing in a way that unbelievers never could. Neo's acceptance of the Matrix as a simulated world allows him to see the truth in mankind's bondage and make changes in the system. The question of truth behind the Matrix and God is the problem that the movie addresses, and the position it takes is clear under such close examination. The belief in paganism gives individuals a false sense of security behind their many creative gods, just as the Matrix gives its slaves a false sense of security behind their illusionary lives. These statements make the connection that paganism is a form of mental slavery because one can never see the truth of God's supreme and sole existence under the influence of invented gods.
Many other actions that the characters take in The Matrix directly correspond to events in the Bible. In the beginning, Agent Smith attempts to persuade Thomas Anderson to join his side in the effort to find Morpheus: "We're willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start, and all that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice" ("Matrix"). Mr. Anderson refuses to accept Smith's offer because he knows that Morpheus is the man he must trust. This event parallels Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness during his forty day fast. Lucifer offered Jesus the world's favor if he would worship him, to which Jesus replied: "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only" (Luke 4.8). Also he tried to convince Jesus to leap from the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem so that nonbelievers would respond to God's power, but Jesus showed his trust in his Father's emphasis: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test".