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Media Bias


I think that many Americans don't even know their Senator's or House Representatives' name. I know that I don't and probably most people aren't able to name them. .
             There is so much media coverage in politics today that in order to be elected one must be appealing to the public. Years ago the only way people could find out about candidates and the issues they stood for was by reading a newspaper or listening to the radio. With almost all American homes having at least one TV, a candidate must possess a good personality, plans and ideas. Candidates have to appeal to the public as much as possible, and appear comfortable on camera. It is the media that is delivering this. .
             I believe that any show on TV is just and advertising delivery device. The network executives just want us to keep watching until the next commercial break. Journalistic integrity has nothing to do with it. The programs themselves are owned by companies that have a vested interest in how the news is reported and what is reported. The shifts in network newscasts to the right or left is just a ploy to grab the current news audience. Currently I've noticed more shifts to the right. This doesn't mean that the country is turning conservative, it just means that in order to get ratings the other stations must change their programming to target the war-obsessed audience. War is good for the media (sensationalism). .
             I decided to closely watch and listen one night to one news program to see if I could notice any obvious bias in what or how they were reporting. I heard Dan Rather talk about the new Republican majority in Congress "demolishing- or "damaging- government aid programs, many of which were designed to help children and the poor. After hearing the word "demolish,"" the average American viewer automatically believes that what the Republicans are doing is harmful to society. The media insisted on sensationalizing the news and making it seem as if the Congress was evil.

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