Merry and Pippin decide to join Sam and Frodo. At this point of the story, the four characters don't know what they are getting themselves into. Sam is only there because he wants to accompany Frodo and make sure nothing happens to him. Merry and Pippin are there for somewhat the same cause but also to have fun and leave the Shire. Once they reach Bree they find out that Gandalf is not there. This is were the character Strider is introduced into the story. At this point he is seen as some kind of a hunter, or just a wild man that likes to be alone. He seems very to himself but decides to help the hobbits. The hobbits are somewhat scared of strider but decide to take his help. The hobbits get to see the dark riders or Nazgul who are after the ring. Strider explains to the hobbits what the dark riders are and that they should keep away from them. The hobbits now see more of how dangerous this journey is. They didn't expect horrible monsters to chase them everywhere they go. Even though they now see the danger, Sam, Merry, and Pippin all decide to stay with Frodo. The fact that the dark riders have attacked shows how more serious the journey is and makes the hobbits seem braver. After another attack by the dark riders. The hobbits are taken to Rivendell, which is a small city of elves. In Rivendell, it is decided that the ring will be destroyed by being thrown into Mount Doom. The characters Gimli, Legolas, and Boromir are introduced. Strider is now shown to be Aragorn the heir of Isildur and rightful heir to the throne. Aragorn's character is changed at this point. He was first seen as just a regular person who seems to know how to fight, but is now shown as a king. Although, the hobbits still treat him the same, except now they have more trust in him. Boromir the man, Legolas the elf, Gimli the dwarf, Aragorn the man, Gandalf the wizard and the four hobbits become the fellowship of the ring and set out to Mount Doom.