" As Newman stated, businesses can use personality tests to enhance and discover the abilities of members and future members. .
Businesses often don't always realize what a future employee could be worth to them. If businesses could find the different types of personalities in their employees, they could put the types together to increase success. In the chapter of Personality Theories about Carl Jung, Dr. C. George Boeree talks about how people can be categorized into different types. According to Jung, there are four main categories people can be classified as; introverts and extroverts, sensing and intuiting, thinking and feeling, judging and perceiving. For example, "Introverts are people who prefer their internal world of thoughts, feelings, fantasies, dreams, and so on, while extroverts prefer the external world of things and people and activities." Knowing the different types of personalities is important because "we all tend to value our own type most." By putting like-persons together creates a healthier atmosphere to work in.
This healthier atmosphere is important because it determines if the employees stay or go. It is extremely costly for a business if there is a high turnover rate. If their personality is not well suited for the job, or for a particular work environment, the employee may be less productive and the employer may be disappointed in their efforts. This often leads to the employee seeking other employment or the employer having to terminate the employee after a relatively short period of time. Using personality tests will decrease the turnover and increase the profits. There is a large amount of personality tests available, such as the Meyers-Briggs, the Organizational Diagnostics Online, FOCUS, and various others. Determining which personality test will be most useful is vital. Some of the criteria to be considered when choosing personality tests are: the basis, accuracy, and grading.