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Hitlers Personailty Led to the Nazi


So it all had been in vain". Hitler's anger only grew with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles: "What a use could be made of the Treaty of Versailles. How each of it's points could be branded in the hearts and minds of the German people until they find their souls aflame with rage and shame and a will of steel is forged with the common cry, "We will have arms again!"" Hitler program later on was the abolishment of the Treaty of Versailles: "My programme was to abolish the Treaty of Versailles. It is nonsense to pretend I didn't reveal this until 1933 or 1935 or 1937. I have written and rewritten a thousand time these words-The abolition of the Treaty of Versailles." Hitler's views on abolishing the Treaty of Versailles is what led to his rise to power as he wasn't the only German citizen that wanted his to happen. He could therefore play on the people's hatred of the Treaty of Versailles to vote for him and therefore lead the Nazi party to power. .
             The time Hitler used up in Prison in 1923 , he spent his time writing his book Mein Kamph (My Struggle), this book shows the major ideas in Hitler's head, the extents that he is willing to go after he is released and the degree his personality is willing to go. Hitler's concepts on how Germany should be run are told in full detail in Mein Kamph, Hitler's views as told by historian Richard Harvey: "His concept of a future Germany: racist, expansionist, and himself as the supreme leader." No one in Germany had ever heard of a book like this before and many German citizens thought it was rubbish. Though Hitler's ideas still shine thorough it is interesting to see that his writing in Mein Kamph shone through to the very end, an example of this is an extract from the book: "The art of all truly great national leaders has at all times primarily consisted of this: not to divide the attention of a people, but to concentrate that attention on a single enemy.

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