NEC holds a small share of the market operating at a tenth the scale of ALPHA. Sharp on the other hand operates with the smallest revenues of the three and with a higher market share than NEC. It is clear that Sharp operates better than NEC and still manages to control part of the market with other revenues. Overall, ALPHA is the largest and holds the largest market share, which the rest of the industry hardly compares to. .
Target Market.
The primary target market for our product would be the public ages of 16 to 25. A secondary market would be the public from ages 26 to 32. These two ranges are the perfect targets for a product such as this one. Distribution through key retailers and with ALPHA's catchy marketing these markets could easily be reached.
Demographics and Psychographics.
The stereotypical APLHA enthusiast follows a wide, clearly defined category. It includes teenagers through Generation Y or the "Net Generation." These people were born after 1976, and influence much of music, sports, video games, general pop culture, and more importantly, technology. A typical demographic group consists of single males living in suburbs or cities of middle to upper-middle income homes.
The psychographic aspect of the typical ALPHA consumer is somewhat defined. This is more often a male in his teenage to middle-aged years. His values equate high quality to high spending; therefor, ALPHA's established name in the electronics industry is of high appeal. As the man gets older and older moving up in the social ladder, his tastes become more prudent to higher monetary amounts being spent.
The typical "early adopter" enjoys getting into mechanical items and fiddling around with them, takes joy from not having necessarily to consult an instruction manual for his new "toy," and is attracted to sleek surfaces, modern looks, and cutting edge technology. With advances in technology everyday, new equipment is bought frequently.