The pluralist theory of the state is one such explanation.
The pluralist view of the state is usually, virtually always, the hegemonic view within capitalist democratic societies. The pluralist view of the state forms part of what Marxists would call the dominant ideology of capitalist societies. They believe that competition is healthy, and they believe that there are or ought to be many things', in politics this is represented by the belief that there should be lots of competing powers, for example political parties and interest groups. Advanced capitalist societies are characterized by a diverse number of interest groups and categories of people, all with their own policy preferences and diverging interests. Anyone, or any group within society can organise as a pressure group and thereby seek to have its policy preferences reflected in government, or state, decisions. They can lobby MPs, civil servants and local councillors. The state acts as an honest broker; it tries to come to some sort of compromise within reason, between all these different groups and categories of people. Pluralism therefore calls for a complex network of interest organisations throughout society, each of which possesses its own power base and hence can function relatively independent of the government. Essentially these associations rest on voluntary membership from those members of society that have a shared interest or concern regarding a particular issue. For example such organisations include labour unions, business and professional associations, civic organisations, recreational associations, ethnic groups, cultural associations, and church groups. No group will ever get its own way all of the time and most groups will have their policy preferences reflected, over a given period, as Bell writes (1995:27);.
". pluralist's maintain that the open and fluid nature of power and the wide array of political issues ensures that no one group systematically dominates political outcomes".