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Why is Financial Reporting Important To Enterpreneurs


This is also crucial to helping business entities to reach their primary goal of generating profit. .
             Financial performance indicators are detrimental when it comes to running a company. The price per earnings ratio or P/E ratio is determined by dividing the price of the stock by company earnings per share. The underlying idea behind the P/E is that a high P/E means high projected earnings in the future. However, this indicator can be a bit misleading since P/E is traditionally based on trailing earnings (earnings from the past 12 months). There is always a possibility of a late earnings report from a company so then a calculation of a trailing P/E would be based on incomplete information. On the other hand, return on equity or ROE, which is calculated by taking a years worth of earnings and dividing them by the average shareholders equity for that year, is easily calculated and understood. It allows investors to compare the company's use of its equity with other investments.
             In conclusion, an entrepreneur realistically would have no guidance in running a successful business if it weren't for the use of financial reporting. There is no getting around the importance and usefulness that one receives from financial reporting. In the future, I know that I will keep this knowledge with me as I venture down the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur. .
             Financial reporting is perhaps the most significant tool that an entrepreneur will require in day-to-day business practices. It provides useful economic information to people outside of the business such as investors and banking institutions. One of the main tools in being a successful entrepreneur is being able to make accurate predictions, evaluations, and being consistent in doing so. For example, a stockholder that sees rising levels of net income knows that this means the company's profits look solid, and for bankers, profit means that debt can be paid.

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