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At the same time regular members, workers are progressively acquiring through their experiences, the abilities to do without an elite. Their general level of education and training has advanced significantly over the last couple of generations. The work they do, while still very oppressive, has an increasingly mental and conceptual content. In addition, they now have extensive access to cultural and intellectual resources and the diverse experiences of living in a modern society. Therefore, while socialism was impossible in the past, these emerging conditions make it inevitable in the future. .
             Versions of Socialism.
             Revisionists were analyzed with the help of facts was proved that the revisionists were systematically painting a rose-colored picture of modern small-scale production. The technical and commercial superiority of large-scale production over small-scale production not only is industry, but also in agriculture, proved by unquestionable facts. Commodity production is far less developed in agriculture, and modern statisticians and economists are, as a rule, not very skillful in picking out the special branches in agriculture, which indicate that agriculture is being progressively drawn into the process of exchange in world economy. Small-scale production maintains on the ruins of natural economy by constant worsening of diet, by nonstop starvation, by lengthening of the working day, by drop in the quality and the care of cattle, by the very methods whereby handicraft production maintained itself against capitalist manufacture. Every advance in science and technology inevitably and relentlessly undermines the foundations of small-scale production in capitalist society; and it is the task of socialist political economy to investigate this process in all its forms, often complicated and intricate, and to demonstrate to the small producer the impossibility of his holding his own under capitalism, the hopelessness of peasant farming under capitalism, and the necessity for the peasant to adopt the standpoint of the proletarian.

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