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Repent Harlequin said the Ticktockman


The man in this story is dressed up in a clown suit, running around town causing many problems to the Ticktockman's system. The Harlequin in the old days played in comedies, trying to take people's minds off their worries, which Everett C. Marm is trying to do in this story. Make them forget about their schedules and live life with a little fun in it. After many tries Everett fails and is finally caught and punished, the people don't change one bit and the system is thrown off by many hours. The people still only worry about being on time and nothing else.
             In the story the author uses references to different kinds of people, hoping that the reader will understand what the point of the story is. He is trying to show what the Harlequin's effect is on the society, "He was considered a Bolivar, a Napoleon, a Robin Hood, a Dick Bong (Ace of Aces), a Jesus, a Jomo Kenyatta."(5) The author is trying to show that the Harlequin is only one person trying to make a difference in a society that has too many rules and the people are like robots following everything they"re told. .
             My next topic will be on the clocks and how they run everybody's lives. The clocks in this story are all at the same time, and if anybody is late the time of their life is shortened by however many minutes they were late. People that run out of time are put to death, so no one wants to be late.
             "Somewhere nearby, he could hear the metronomic left-right-left of the 2:47 P.M. shift, entering the Timkin roller-bearing plant in their sneakers. A minute later, precisely, he heard the softer right-left-right of the 5:00 A.M. formation, going home."(2) If you look at the times of the people going to work and the people leaving work it is exactly that time, the people aren't a minute late or a minute early. The Ticktockman has also set up a very organized schedule for the people living in the city. Notice how the people going to work walk left right left, and the people leaving work walk right-left-right.

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