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Invastigating the Magic Hooey Stick


            Even though I tried a couple of different methods I couldn't get the "magic hooey stick thingy" spin, I found out that if you only grind the stick toward the top it will spin at one direction and if you grind it down the stick it turns the other way.
             Later on I researched at home and found out that it's to do with contact that you thumb or the finger supporting the stick makes with the stick with the propeller. .
             I think that science is in a way the same as most of the other subjects in school. Because almost in every lesson we do an experiment of some kind, weather it's a demo of international relationships or experimenting with colors science is very much similar to the other subjects.
             A scientific explanation is an explanation which relays on evidence and can be tested. These are explanations such as the law of gravity and Neutrons law of movement. A supernatural explanation is things that can't be tested or spiritual thing such as religion and recreation.
             As I said before, I researched on the web to be sure of how the magic hooey stick works and I found out the answers. It's written in the answer to the first question.
             A supernatural explanation is not acceptable in a science class because science is always looking for an explanation for everything.
             Even if someone was unable to collect evidence of the way the "hooey stick" works that still doesn't mean that works on magic powers. He might have done his experiment wrongly and there must be another way to test it.
             I don't think that if explanation was found to the way the hooey stick work it will eliminate the option of other people doing it with supernatural powers.

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