And in the end all I would .
like to say is that the guy was lucky however it still haunts him to this day because you .
see he cannot get a job as a criminal investigator. On the second hand he enjoys going to .
school these because he has an excellent English 102 teacher who understands him and .
his trials and tribulations as a student.
Just like the poem says in the middle of it;.
"And both that morning equally lay .
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!.
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,.
I doubted if I should ever come back.""(11-15).
Page number 3.
Frost probably didn't want to make the wrong decisions again, because if you .
think about this poem in line number 12 he says;.
"in leaves no step had trodden black-(12).
Frost probably didn't want to leave no trace for anyone to follow the wrong .
decisions he had made in life. .
Just like the ending of the poem says;.
"I shall be telling this with a sigh.
somewhere ages and ages hence:.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -.
I took the one less traveled by, .
And that has made all the difference."".
Frost probably had taken the easy way out, don't get me wrong, I don't' mean that .
literally. What I am trying to say is that he took the road that was good for him at the time .
that he needed to in life. Frost probably took the road that was just right for him, in life. .
The structure of the poem was great, I like the way that it was written, by Frost,.
because of the message that is sent through this poem. As far as the tone of the poem I .
think that the tone is set from the beginning by the Frost, who does write this poem in .
the first person. As in line 2 of this poem ".
"And sorry I could not travel both- (2).
Just by the way that this poem is written. I loved it from the first time that I had .
read it because it explains life very easily to me.
Page number 4.
Looking back on this poem I think that this poem, we can see how the poem .