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European History in the seventeenth century


He organized an army called ironsides. He fought for tolerance of all Godly forms of religion. Cromwell defeated Charles I, put to counter revolutionaries supporting Charles I, reduced the size of Parliament from 150 to 50, put Charles I to in 1649. England became a commonwealth, ruled by a protector who tolerated religion except for catholics Unitarians, and atheists. Cromwell died in 1658. Charles II is restored as monarchy, but religious tolerance remains. Thus, the search for freedom of religion caused the Puritan Revolution.
             3. Explain the causes of the Glorious Revolution.
             The revolution of 1688 of was marked the climax of a long record of trouble. Ireland had never been simply "conquered" by England, though certain English or rather Anglo-Norman families had carved out estates there since the twelfth century. During the Reformation the Irish remained Catholic while England turned Protestant, but the monasteries were dissolved in England; established Church of Ireland, with its apparatus of bishoprics, parishes, and tithes became an Anglican communion in which the mass of native Irish had no incomers. Ireland therefore by the close of the seventeenth century was a very mixed country. Probably two-thirds of its population was Catholic, of generally Celtic ethnic backgrounds. After the Revolution of 1688, in which the final overthrow of James II took place at the Boyne River, the English feared Ireland asa source of danger to the post-revolutionary arrangements in England. Resistance of the subjugated Catholics had also to be prevented. English elites who were defending their own liberties at home thus set about destroying the religious, political, and social liberties of Irish Catholics. Catholic clergy were banished, and Catholics were to vote or sit in the Irish parliament. Catholic teachers were to teach, and Catholic parents were to send children overseas to be educated in Catholic Schools.

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