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My life in perspective to the eight psychosocial stages


Therefore, an infant must also blindly trust their parents or caregivers for providing them with they need. If an infant's needs are met by the parents or caregivers, not only will the infant have a personal attachment to them, but he will have a general trust to his/her environment all together. For example, when I was just an infant, my family had just come to America no more than two or three years ago, and we were living with my aunt at the time. There were two families living in the house, which means I had four parents instead of two. I was constantly being watched over. I have grown to love them all, and I have a special connection with my parents and my aunt and uncle. Also, around the age of four months, my mother and my brother returned to the Philippines. There, I was surrounded with even more relatives that I had never seen before, but they cared for me just as my parents would care for me. Now, I am a very trusting person, and I am especially trusting when I comes to meeting people for the first time. On the other hand, if an infant's needs are not met by the parents or caregivers, the infant will develop a distrust towards others and a mistrust to everything in its environment. He/She may even develop a mistrust towards themselves. .
             The second stage in Erikson's psychosocial stages occurs around the time when you are a toddler, around the age of 1 to age 2. This stage is identified as autonomy v. doubt. Around this age, toddlers are very active. They are able to walk with little assistance, and they are in the stage where they are beginning to talk. They are also able to use the toilet by themselves. Toddlers start developing a self-confidence in themselves, and they start to control themselves and there movements. In the stage of autonomy v. doubt, the parents of the child should encourage their child's initiative to try new things and reassure their child when he/she makes mistake.

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