Next, since we were only children, we had my friends dad cut out these holes and our device was finished. Finally we painted it for some eye appeal. Looking back I am not really sure if it was more fun when the device was created, or if the actual creation of the object was better. .
When the wood was strapped to the net, it was time to begin. The teams were always the same. Andrew, Dave, and I would be up against Eric, Keith, and Mike. It took a while to finalize these teams, but they were consistently the most even out of all the combinations that were tried. We took a new ball out of the cooler, ready for the game. You may think its weird to keep hockey balls in a cooler, but since it was summer, the heat would make the balls become to soft, and hard to handle. By keeping a few balls in the cooler and rotating them every few minutes, the ball would remain hard. .
"You guys ready!" Eric screamed from his side of the street. "Yea let's go," Dave replied. We lined up for the face-off. It was me against Eric as usual. "Games to three?" I asked. "Yup," replied Andrew, "best of seven series." Keith dropped the ball. Eric won it. I was a little disappointed because Eric usually wins the face-offs, but I let it go and began to play. They scored immediately courtesy of a break away by Mike. My team would respond with a goal by Dave two minutes later. The game was picking up now that we were midway through. It always took a while to get going. After two quick goals by Eric the first game was completed. It only lasted twenty minutes which was a quick one for us. .
Without hesitation we lined back up to being the second game. Our team was mad that we didn't play well in the first, and we got confident that we would win the next one. Things started out better as I won the face-off, but would suddenly become sour. Eric was really on fire that day, and I couldn't keep up with him. Six goals later we were down 3-0 in the series.